Hope you all know how important is to wash hands to remain safe from coronavirus. Let’s answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding hand wash and clear your doubts!
By now, everyone knows that COVID-19 is a respiratory virus. It attacks your lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. There are other symptoms, as well. For example, you will have body ache, high fever, cough, runny nose, and more. The virus gets transmitted through droplets or else mucus. Once someone comes in contact with an infected person, the virus finds its way to transmit itself.
Answering Your Questions Regarding Hand Wash
COVID-19 is a global pandemic issue, and the best way to prevent it is by regular hand wash. This is by far the most effective, easiest, and cheapest way to prevent the spread of the virus.
Go through this detailed guide to understand everything about world handwashing day.
1. How should a Person Wash Hands?
When you wash your hands, just a quick rinse with some soap will not help. Follow these steps and ensure to follow them whenever you wash your hands.
First, wet your hands with some running water.
Apply the soap all over your fingers, palm, and entire hands.
Start scrubbing your hands gently. You should clean your fingers, under fingers, rub your nails onto the palm surface, and back of the hands. Do this for at least 20 seconds.
After that, rinse your hands and finally dry your hands with a single-use towel only.
2. How Long should You be Washing Your Hands?
One should wash their hands for at least twenty seconds. The easiest way to keep track of the time is by singing happy birthday twice. Even when you use hand sanitizer, ensure that it contains 60% alcohol, and use it on your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds.
3. When should a Person Wash Hands?
Washing your hands is necessary for the prevention of Covid-19 disease. Wash your hands if you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose. Wash your hands when you come home from visiting a public place, such as a marketplace. If you have touched outside surfaces or touched money, go for hand wash right away.
Other things included are as follows:
- Before and after eating your food.
- Whenever you use the toilet.
- After handling garbage waste.
- Whenever you pet or touch your pets.
- After changing the baby’s diapers.
- Whenever you feel that your hands are dirty.
4. Should You Use Warm Water for Hand Wash?
It is not necessary to use warm water to wash your hands. You can use running tap water, make sure that you wash your hands with a soap solution for at least 20 seconds.
5. Is Drying Hands after Washing Necessary?
Yes, one should always dry their hands. The virus can spread on a wet surface quicker than on a dry surface. Use a single-use towel. If you wish, you can even use paper towels to dry them. Don’t forget to throw the paper towel, though.
6. Is Hand Wash Better than Hand Sanitizer?
This is one of the most common questions that people often ask. Both hand sanitizers and soap solutions are effective in killing germs. No matter what you use, the thumb rule is to clean your hands for 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer is easier to use, especially when you are outside.
However, it can become an expensive tool because you will have to buy it again and again. Also, a hand sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol. If you are at home, rather than going for a hand sanitizer, practice washing your hands with water and soap.
7. What to Do When You Run Out of Soap?
The second-best options that you have are hand sanitizer or chlorinated water. However, the best way to prevent coronavirus is by washing your hands with soap. Any soap will do. If you don’t have soap, you can also use some ash, soil, detergent, or shampoo to clean your hands, but remember to keep washing your hands regularly. You can also use sanitizer if you don’t have anything to wash your hands. Also, avoid touching surfaces outside and avoid meeting people unnecessarily.
What Else Can You do to Stop Coronavirus Spread?
There are certain things that you can do.
- Whenever you cough, use your elbow rather than the palm of your hands. If you happen to use the palm of your hands, use a tissue to cough or sneeze.
- Don’t touch your face.
- Practice social distancing.
- If you see anyone with symptoms, avoid close contact with them.
These are the type of handwash that you can follow.
Stay safe, and let everyone be safe as well.